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CodeMeter is designed as a single comprehensive solution that offers numerous benefits for software vendors (ISVs) and users alike. The…
1989-2014: “25 years propelling your business to new heights” is a bold statement that only exceptional company founders and top…
The world is changing. Smaller, connected computers are used more and more around us. They are pushing out the old proprietary…
All roads lead to Rome. Some are rocky, some are highways, some byways. The story is similar when it comes to transferring a license…
For software publishers, distributing the right licenses to their users is one of the most important steps in the entire sales process.…
As an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), you might be wondering: “Why do I need a customer portal?” The answer is simple: “Because you…
Protection against piracy is a proposition which has been around for a long time in the software development arena and is very familiar…
Protecting software should be simple and secure. Two mutually exclusive goals? They do not have to be. Learn how to integrate fraud…
Micro-controllers and electronic controls govern our lives. From nuclear power plants to factories and commuter trains, they are…
Wibu-Systems, founded in 1989 by Marcellus Buchheit and Oliver Winzenried, has become a global player in its industry. With…
“Who needs dongles?” Asked first some years ago, this question is becoming more and more frequent in times of increasing…
User right management for IP Protection is the new added value of Rockwell’s Studio5000 IDE solutionThere used to be a time when the…
You‘ve finished your software and successfully integrated Wibu-Systems‘ software protection and license management into it; how do you…
A quick overview of what licenses have been sold and which ones are about to expire can help sales teams create the right strategies…
Wibu-Systems was founded in 1989 with the aim of developing simple and easy-to-use software protection systems. The idea was to protect…
Maybe you‘ve read my article “Software protection from a hacker‘s perspective“ in one of the last issues of KEYnote. In this article I…
The Embedded Development Kit for VxWorks is the result of a collaboration between Wind River, Emerson and Wibu-Systems. The EDK allows…
Virtualization was already making headway in the 90s, it’s impossible to imagine the IT world of today without it. The key benefits…
Many trends come. Some stay, others find a niche, but most disappear for good. It can be just as fatal for an organization to miss a…
Practically every piece of software processes data in some way or antoher. Depending on the actual application, the data may contain a…
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