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Onze persberichten bevatten informatie over nieuwe producten, samenwerkingsverbanden, evenementen en beurzen.
Wibu-Systems, de Duitse onderneming die met de CodeMeter technologie nieuwe verdienmodellen voor de industriële sector introduceerde,…
CodeMeter bedient een nieuw publiek met een innovatieve wijze van licentiebeheer voor eindgebruikers en studenten
CodeMeter Certificate Vault captivates the industry’s attention in its first year
The company protects its IP and monetizes its Robot Programming Suite with the comprehensive CodeMeter licensing and security platform…
Keeping security hardware at the state of the art over the long term
Wibu-Systems and EOS secure the last communication mile to 3D printers
Software protection and licensing for medical device makers
Enabling software publishers to release demo software and introduce freemium business models
TechnologyRegion Karlsruhe honors the international success of three local business leaders
A €33 million investment raises the flag for IT security in Karlsruhe
Desoutter redesigns its business strategy in line with Industry 4.0 principles
Naadloze inegratie met SAP stroomlijnt beheerproces van licentie- en eigendomsrechten
Over 3,500 nominations were reviewed in the global competition
Cyber-security as the gatekeeper for the digital transformation
Important take-aways for medical device makers at the fairgrounds and on stage
Marking a new milestone for Wibu-Systems in Japan
A secure and comprehensive solution living entirely in the cloud
Applying the 2-out-of-3 concept in license management
Celebrating three decades ahead of the curve
CodeMeter Certificate Vault takes the hassle out of using certificates
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