Connect IT

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems, Karlsruhe, Germany

Hosted annually by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems, the "Connect IT" company contact fair is the premier platform for fostering initial engagements between companies and computer science students. This event stands as a critical juncture for businesses seeking new talent and students looking for exciting opportunities, including internships, practical semesters, and potential permanent roles post-graduation. Featuring a diverse array of participants, from local mid-sized businesses to large international entities, Connect IT is celebrated for its positive impact and effectiveness in bridging the gap between academic preparation and professional reality, as echoed by the consistently favorable feedback from both students and companies.

Wibu-Systems is on an unwavering path of expansion, continuously seeking innovative minds to sustain and enhance its formidable expertise in software protection, licensing, and security. Opting to join our team is not just a career choice; it's a step towards financial independence, a secure future, and a commitment to enriching the digital landscape. Rooted in Karlsruhe, our reach extends far beyond, as we ambitiously venture into new markets annually. Our commitment to technological continuity guarantees unmatched reliability, yet we remain agile, embracing the rapid innovations demanded by today's digital transformation.

At Wibu-Systems, the majority of our vacancies are geared towards full-time and permanent positions, perfect for the brightest minds graduating in Computer Science and IT Systems. Beyond the extensive corporate benefits enjoyed by all our team members, we place the highest value on your mission and dedication. We're eager to connect at Connect IT, where we can discover mutual paths for both personal career development and the advancement of our company. Let’s lay the foundation for growth together, embracing both individual aspirations and our collective vision.

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