Product liability in the cyberworld opens up a whole new area of litigation, as the ISV becomes also responsible of software exploitation for malicious intent.
Cybercrime will cost up to $6 trillion by 2021 - nearly half of today’s US GDP and more profitable than the global trade of all major illegal drugs combined.
More than 81% of organizations believe successful adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is critical to their future success, yet ironically, only 25% of these organizations have a clear IIoT strategy in place and only 24% of those organizations are happy with its execution.
Aside from the widespread attention and hype surrounding the prolific growth expectations of the Internet of Things (IoT), industry focus has been on potential (IoT) device vulnerabilities and cybersecurity.
A recent report released by the Economist Intelligence Unit entitled Long-term Macroeconomic Forecasts: Key trends to 2050 highlighted some of the emerging economic issues expected to shape global business in the coming decades.
Attackers — in ever greater numbers and with increasing sophistication — see, in the growing promise of our tech-connected world, opportunities to steal or cause major disruption or destruction by exploiting vulnerabilities.
Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney acknowledged that he once feared that terrorists could use the electrical device that had been implanted near his heart to kill him and had his doctor disable its wireless function.
In their book, Embedded Systems Security, David and Michael Kleidermacher point out some all-to-real scenarios about the consequences of malicious threats to embedded systems.