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Podcasts are a popular way to make the best use of your time on the go while enjoying content and keeping up to date with the latest news and trends. Here is our selection for your listening pleasure.

Wibu-Systems: Excellence in Protection, Licensing, and Cybersecurity

Our Wibu-Systems podcast offers a lot of exclusive material, including talks and presentations from popular conferences and expos, interviews with our team, premium customers, international industry associations, and academia experts.

The episodes provide details on success stories, product launches, industry insights, and behind-the-scenes details to keep you on top of the latest trends in the protection, licensing, and security of your digital assets.

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Can Additive Manufacturing Actually Do Decentralized Production?

The new "Between the Layers" LinkedIn Audio Series from RWTH Aachen University Digital Additive Production explores the real-world applications of Additive Manufacturing (AM) in industry. The series debuts with a discussion on the potential for AM to enable decentralized production, featuring insights from the University chief engineer Moritz Kolter and our expert Alvaro Forero, a member of the Wibu-Systems Professional Services team. They delve into the transformative impact of 3D printing on production through the Sino-German ProCloud3D R&D project, highlighting both successes and challenges. This initiative, which recently came to a close, aimed to foster international economic cooperation through innovative technological platforms and safeguarding intellectual property in 3D printing, setting a new standard for industrial production and international technological cooperation.

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Adapting subscription services to the industrial market to improve customer engagement and solutions

Marcellus Buchheit, President and CEO of Wibu-Systems USA, spoke with Scott MacKenzie, host of the Industrial Talk podcast, at the Q1 meeting of the Object Management Group in Reston, VA, USA. Marcellus offered interesting insights into subscription-based services, drawing a parallel between consumer-based subscriptions like those presented for products at the Consumer Electronics Show and similar business models in the industrial and medical world. For example, Marcellus pointed out the advantages of a subscription service for an expensive medical device, which allows the healthcare provider to avoid the heavy upfront costs of the system and pay only on a monthly basis or a usage basis. He also noted that it is advantageous for both parties to maintain ongoing engagement to keep the system up and running as it should for the service provider while continuing the revenue stream for the manufacturer.

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Social entrepreneurial commitment: "It is not enough just to pay taxes"

While heavily involved in pioneering technology innovations, Wibu-Systems and its founders who have been managing the company since its inception almost 35 years ago, stand up for traditional values, i.e. children as the best investment in the collective future, education as the key foundation of any human development, cultivating arts to build rounded personalities, respect for the environment, and giving back to local communities. As Oliver Winzenried, CEO of WIBU-SYSTEMS AG explains to Heise, these are the major company tenets that result in impactful campaigns, such as those led in cooperation with Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e.V. to support safer childhood, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to promote R&D activities and sustainable concepts, the Canisiushausverein to foster local volunteering actions, and the University of Music Karlsruhe. With the most recent venture, the House of IT Security, the company is entering a new stage where it shares its technology and business skills with startups.

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Proactive actions to ensuring trustworthiness with your digital transformation strategy

Watch this video podcast of Marcellus Buchheit, Wibu-Systems USA’s president and CEO, and Scott Mackenzie, host of the popular IndustrialTalk podcast series, that was recorded live at the Q4 2022 Industry IoT Consortium meeting held in Austin, TX. Marcellus is the co-chair of the IIC’s Trustworthiness Working Group, dedicated to exploring the five aspects of trustworthiness – safety, security, privacy, reliability, and resilience – relevant to IIoT and the IIC's vision of an IIoT ecosystem. In this episode, Marcellus sheds some light on how trust and trustworthiness are crucial elements to ascertain confidence in the proper operation of industrial systems, particularly those that can have detrimental safety and environmental impact on people and society at large if mishandled. The risks and negative consequences are even greater with increasingly networked and connected industries.

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Podcast of the KIT-Gruenderschmiede

Listen in on this podcast episode to find out how much real start-up spirit there still is in Oliver Winzenried, our CEO and co-founder. Your host, Daniela Musial-Lemberg of the KIT Gründerschmiede, the enterprise incubator at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, has met him for an interview on a host of exciting topics: These include the factors that every founder should keep an eye on, the story of Wibu-Systems' own foundation, and the trajectory of the company and its subsidiaries over the years. Of course, there is also much to say about how important IT security is and what makes the Karlsruhe region such a great location for cooperating with other companies and organizations in that field. Want to know what happens in the House of IT Security or how cybersecurity start-ups can benefit from the IT Security Club? Then don't miss this podcast on these and many other issues.

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Make IoT work – A common mission drives us forward: Making the IoT secure

Making the Internet of Things Secure is an essential cornerstone of Making the IoT Work. Finding ways to protect sensitive data, intellectual property, and personal privacy is paramount for universal adoption of smart technologies and devices. This topic was addressed by Wibu-Systems’ Guenther Fisher, Sr. Licensing and Protection Consultant, during a recent podcast hosted by Infineon’s Thomas Reinhart, Head of Corporate Campaigns & Customer Communications. This episode addresses the many challenges inherent with IoT security and the various industry partnerships and associations whose collaborative efforts are leading to interesting security solutions.

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Brilliance Security Magazine Podcast: Industry IoT Consortium’s Trustworthiness Framework Foundations

Trust and trustworthiness are crucial for confidence in the proper operation of increasingly networked and connected industrial systems that can have safety and environmental implications on people and society. The co-chairs of the IIC Trustworthiness Task Group discuss their recently published Trustworthiness Framework Foundational Document, which defines the key characteristics of trustworthiness that should be considered throughout the system lifecycle and raises awareness of technologies, processes, and practices and how they should interoperate safely in the industrial world.

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Industrial Security Podcast: Safety Protects the Man from Machine, Security the Reverse

The Industrial Security Podcast, hosted by Andrew Ginter and Nate Nelson, of Waterfall Security Solutions, features leading experts who talk about ICS security, SCADA security standards, protection from cyberattacks, and more. During the interview, Marco Blume, Product Manager Embedded at Wibu-Systems, explored how intellectual property protection, safety, and cybersecurity work together in the discrete manufacturing sector. He addressed four key areas where smart industries could maintain the security of the machine-to-machine communications and protect the IP integral to the operations and integrity of the PLCs, sensors, and other connected devices: Software protection, license management, secure key storage, and certificate management.

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Industrial IoT Spotlight Podcast

The IIoT Spotlight Podcast shines a light on Industrial IoT solutions that are impacting businesses today. Every episode they interview an expert about a specific IoT use case. Their goal is to provide insight into the planning and implementation of IIoT systems, from new business models to technology architecture selection to data ownership and security.

The IIoT Spotlight is produced by IoT ONE, an information platform that provides market insight, partner development, and go-to-market support for technology providers, end users, and investors.

Erik Walenza, CEO of IoT ONE, recently interviewed Oliver Winzenried, our CEO and founder. Their talk covered so many aspects that it had to be split into three separate episodes:

IIoT Security - An Interview with WIBU's Oliver Winzenried

In part one, Oliver shares the mission of the company, the areas in which Wibu-Systems is excelling, and how its technology fits into the industrial digital transformation. The recent spate of cyberattacks, including the Wannacry ransomware attack that crippled countless institutions worldwide, has put cybersecurity at the top of people’s minds. Wibu-Systems’ technology fits the game and provides ready-to-use solutions for the green and brown field alike.

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IIoT Security - An Interview with WIBU's Oliver Winzenried

In part two, Oliver goes on to explain how cybersecurity cannot be compartmentalized in any market vertical, but is agnostic for any industrial and technological sector. In the B2B space, there is still a lot of delay in terms of expectations and the adoption of the new technologies because of ROI and security concerns. That’s where a security-by-design approach and feature-realized business models, not just for consumers, but also for industrial applications, have the potential to fuel a license-based economy.

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IIoT Security - An Interview with WIBU's Oliver Winzenried

In part three, Oliver describes two successful integrations of CodeMeter with B&R, recently acquired by ABB, and Rockwell Automation. In both cases, Wibu-Systems applies a comprehensive strategy, with its flagship technology adjusted to fit the mainstream Embedded Computing Technology, operating systems, and automation tools. With this course of action, Wibu-Systems’ solution partners can protect their own intellectual property and that of their clients and put in place modular and scalable sales schemes.

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