Rassegna Stampa


AxProtector Python protects ready-made Python applications

German only

Source: GIT Sicherheit, issue 10/2022, pages 78-79 (October 2022)

App Store for IIoT Software

German only

Source: IT&Production (11 October 2022)

Proteggere l'IP nelle scienze forensi digitali

Fonte: TECNELAB, pagg. 32-33 (28 settembre 2022)

The know-how is secured

German only

Source: elektro Automation (6 September 2022)

Software protection in a single ASIC

German only

Source: elektroniknet.de (3 August 2022)

A tutela della produzione additiva

Fonte: TECNELAB, pagg. 22-23 (20 luglio 2022)

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