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Originally founded in 1972, SAP has steadily been expanding and intensifying its presence in the world market. Countless global…
The all-new Universal Firm Code provides the groundwork for the secure transfer of licenses without any involvement of the original…
License servers in the user’s network have become increasingly popular options in the recent past. As a software developer, you leave…
Many challenges, one solution: Nested Product Items facilitate license configuration, prevent inconsistencies with licensing modular…
With CodeMeter License Central, Wibu-Systems offers a cloud solution for creating licenses right in the cloud. CmWAN gives you the…
Since 2003, CmSticks have been available to protect and license your software. One great advantage of CodeMeter is that you do not have…
Wibu-Systems introduces an evaluation kit for Raspberry Pi that showcases the easy implementation of software protection and the last…
Why does automation need CodeMeter?Industrial controllers are becoming more and more intelligent every day. The highly specialized,…
Creating, delivering, and managing licenses has never been easier with the latest edition of CodeMeter License Central. Many changes,…
Software is contributing an ever greater share to the value created in our economy. This makes software protection an increasingly…
The CmStick/M, a CodeMeter dongle with a USB interface and integrated flash memory, was first introduced in 2004. Since its inception,…
Server certificates are a ubiquitous sight. They offer users the certainty that they are indeed on the right website and have not…
There are many ways to activate licenses. One option is to integrate an activation wizard in your software. Another elegant option is…
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