

ライセンスシステム導入 の費用対効果 CodeMeter ユーザー企業 4 社の ROI 分析


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CodeMeter Certificate Vault:CodeMeter による証明書管理

証明書は、インターネット・電子メール・マシン間通信などで、ユーザーまたはデバイスを認証および識別するために使用されます。CodeMeter Certificate Vaultは、USBを始めとするCodeMeterのドングル上にX.509証明書を安全に保管し、標準インターフェースを通じて利用できるようにする手段を提供します。このホワイトペーパーでは、セキュアな証明書ストレージの指針と課題、CodeMeter Certificate Vaultのテクノロジーとユースケースについて掘り下げています。

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「クラウドコンピューティング」はユビキタスになっていますが、クラウドベースのライセンスに適用した場合、何が問題となるでしょうか?クラウドサービスに関しては、セキュリティには常に注意を払う必要があります。このホワイトペーパーでは、CodeMeter CloudとLicense Centralを使用した安全なクラウドベースのライセンス管理と、証明書チェーンを使用してクラウドライセンスとストレージ環境への信頼性を確立し、サービスの整合性を保護する方法について説明します。

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Electronic License Delivery Made Easy

With dedicated activation codes and security hardware dongles protecting premium applications against illegal use, the next step in the process is to identify the solution that streamlines administration and logistics of all the license models the ISV has generated. CodeMeter License Central is the fully featured, highly scalable, web-interface based license management system that integrates with your existing business process.

Download white paper Executive Summary

Top Security Rules for Cloud Systems

Cloud applications face threats that on-premise applications were essentially protected against; in some cases, exploits are even facilitated by common architectures. This compendium outlines basic and advanced security rules that all cloud architects can benefit from, and underlines the reliability and security qualities of Wibu-Systems’ cloud-based license entitlement solution, CodeMeter License Central, and its hosting services.

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Internet of Things(IoT) のライセンスとセキュリティ

モノのインターネット(IoT)は、私たちの生活や働き方、そして未来に影響を与えるように設定されています。インテリジェントデバイスメーカーは、サイバー攻撃の脅威を評価し、マシンとプロセスを再設計し、施設とデバイスを保護し、最終的に請負業者、ソリューションパートナー、および顧客とまったく新しい会話を行うよう求められています。 自社を再構築し、ビジネスをセキュアに確保することができる企業だけが長期的に成功するでしょう。

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CmDongle with flash memory in practice

Flash memory has an essential role to play in keys and memory cards, which goes far beyond the ability to deliver your software onboard the device. CmDongles with flash memory are successfully implemented in many different fields, including the gambling industry, forensic analysis, finance, and the IoT, as they have proved themselves to be even more secure, cost-effective, versatile, and fail-safe solutions.

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CodeMeter in Virtual Environments:仮想環境でのCodeMeterの使用


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オートメーション産業と CodeMeter


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Alliance for Cyber Securityとの協調


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Customer-Centric View of Best Practices in Software Monetization

In cooperation with Frost & Sullivan

The White Paper sheds light on various aspects of successful software monetization strategies, ranging from business-enabling licensing architectures to resilience against hacking. The document demonstrates how changing times demand that ISVs implement customer-centric business models and customer-friendly enforcement in order to increase their top-line software revenues while controlling bottom-line costs.

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Scalable Software Protection and Flexible Licensing

All software publishers share the same basic need for IP protection regardless of the programming code they adopt. Several different license models can then be applied to enable business and meet customers’ demands. The White Paper dives into the technology underlying both security and monetization aspects and covers all possible hardware- and software-based variants a developer can integrate to build a custom secure licensing system.

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Artificial Intelligence: Protection and Licensing

AI technologies have transitioned from labs to real-world applications, necessitating protection from AI, protection with AI, and the protection of AI itself. Solutions like CodeMeter offer flexible protection for AI models, with integrated licensing solutions for various use cases. Projects like SMILE4KMU focus on developing secure, innovative protection and licensing solutions for machine learning, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

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Mobile Licensing with Industry-Grade Storage Devices

FOR SD CARD MANUFACTURERS – As we navigate the digital era, security becomes non-negotiable. CmReady is a certification program designed for industry-grade storage device manufacturers to enhance their products with IP protection and software licensing capabilities. Leveraging card security features, CodeMeter binds the software-based license container to the hardware medium, transforming the mass storage card into a portable secure element.

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Industrial Related White Papers

Product and Know-How Protection Guidelines

In cooperation with “Protect-ing”, a working group of VDMA

This structured procedural model allows manufacturing businesses, their suppliers, and their clients to define a pragmatic approach to current potential threats aimed at producing counterfeit products and acquiring know-how; it offers a way to run a vulnerability analysis, a selection of viable measures for protecting against product piracy and the loss of know-how, and the tools to determine the efficacy of the available options.

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Credits: VDMA


The mapping of an FTL (Flash Translator Layer) impacts your system. Hyperstone’s hyMap® mapping and flash memory management technology, available for all CmDongles equipped with flash memory, provides significantly higher random write performance, which results in maximum reliability and endurance, opening the possibility to use MLC in traditionally SLC prone applications, reducing costs, increasing drive capacities, and improving competitiveness.

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Credits: Hyperstone

The Fundamentals of Reliable Flash Storage

As cost-efficient NAND flash memory with high densities based on MLC, TLC, or even QLC technologies are increasingly prone to failure during field operation, flash memory controllers are facing great challenges. Hyperstone flash memory controllers offer proprietary features and implementation details designed to guarantee maximum endurance, lifetime, and reliability of NAND flash-based storage media.

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Credits: Hyperstone

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