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GenKey GenKey技術の開発には多くのエンジニアによる研究開発が必要であり、民主的な選挙のために発展途上国のユーザーが自由に使えるソフトウェアであることに大きな価値があります。私たちの目標は、違法コピーや不正使用の可能性を排除することで、私たちのソフトウェアに不利な不正行為を最終的に阻止することです。
PVO We have been collaborating closely with Wibu-Systems since the early 1990s. CodeMeter is critical to our business, as it protects our intellectual property and safeguards our software from illegal copying. Tablets are everywhere these days, offering a huge opportunity for our business. Wibu-Systems is the only partner that is capable of offering a copy protection solution for tablet computers using a microSD card.
Dutch Fish Board We settled for CodeMeter because Wibu-Systems has a proven track record of savvy solutions. Also the independency from communication channels, platforms, and APIs convinced us.
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