Celebrating Wibu-Systems’ 35th Anniversary


1989-2024: Another significant milestone on Wibu-Systems' journey towards establishing itself as the global leader in secure license management. Over the past 35 years, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to business continuity, technological advancement, and team cohesion.

We have cultivated a network of channel partners who have been with us since the beginning, earning the trust of our international customers as their local centers of excellence.

While we maintain our dedication to supporting our legacy technology, which remains available and continually updated, we also offer seamless migration pathways to our latest groundbreaking innovations.

Our team – professional, inspired, and united – continues to excel in delivering cutting-edge services and guiding our customers through the realization of their protection, licensing, and security projects year after year.

Trust, Innovation, and Legacy: An In-Depth Interview with the Founders of Wibu-Systems

The Visionaries

Security Made in Germany

At Wibu-Systems, we have always been champions of high-quality standards. In addition to our numerous certifications, our entire team is steadfast in its commitment to 'Security Made in Germany.' Products developed and manufactured in Germany are revered worldwide for their reliability and durability, surpassing industry standards. While we think globally in expanding our market, our German heritage is evident in the complete product development cycle, from the inception of brilliant ideas by our in-house team to the development of our hardware and software solutions. For all these advancements, we rely on our skilled team in Karlsruhe and a supply chain that keeps all sensitive processes under the strictest control of our headquarters.

Turning Dreams into Reality

The House of IT Security, situated adjacent to our company headquarters, is more than just a home for select ICT security startups in contemporary workspaces. It has evolved into a vibrant hub for innovation, magnetizing brilliant minds, investments, and global acclaim. This dynamic space hosts high-profile events, spotlighting top-tier IT security experts from across the nation. Additionally, it conducts comprehensive training programs, tailored to address the specific needs of SMEs, fostering ecosystem-building activities and supporting publicly funded research. All of this is curated under the umbrella of the IT Security Club, nestled within the House of IT Security, elevating its role in the realm of cybersecurity and technological advancement.

What Lies Ahead

Our commitment to remaining a financially independent and profitable company is resolute. We will continue to conquer new markets and establish regional offices, pioneer groundbreaking innovations and industry-grade, fully compliant solutions, engage in open discussions to accommodate our clients' specific needs, deliver avant-garde technology promptly, and substantiate our security claims through encryption methods like the Kerckhoffs' Principle.

Commemorating three and a half decades in the industry is a remarkable accomplishment, and we are sincerely thankful for the opportunity to have you alongside us on this remarkable voyage. Your priceless input has played a pivotal role in achieving this significant milestone. We extend an invitation to you to share treasured memories, standout interactions with our team, or heartfelt well-wishes for our ongoing collaboration.

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As we celebrate our 35th anniversary throughout 2024, there will be opportunities for our friends – customers, prospects, staff, and collaborators – to join us in various activities. Stay tuned and ensure you don't miss your chance to participate in our celebrations.

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