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Software development is a time consuming and costly business for a software vendor. The end product often contains extensive specialist…
Activation-based solutions such as CmActLicenses are very much state-of-the-art. Hardware-based solutions like the CmDongle, on the…
“I use standard certificates so I’m safe.” The only safe thing to say about this statement is that one cannot safely say if it’s true…
In 2010 Wibu-Systems signed a cooperation agreement with 3S-Smart Software Solutions to integrate its protection technology into the…
CodeMeter is driverless but we recommend you install the CodeMeter runtime with administrator rights. How does this fit together?…
You are about to release a new version of your software which contains innovative ideas and state-of-the-art technology. However your…
Мы должны знать намерения своих врагов. “You need to know the arguments of your enemies” replied an aristocratic landowner in a Russian…
In a world where product piracy is becoming ever more prevalent, full protection against piracy, reverse engineering and manipulation…
Software protection is not only relevant to PC software. There are also important reasons for protecting PLC software: machines and…
With subsidiaries in the USA and China and sales offices in England, Ireland, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as…
How good is good software protection? As a software developer what do I need to think about during development to make sure my software…
At the turn of the century, ASP (Application Service Providing) was all the rage. “Customers won’t buy and download software in the…
CodeMeter SmartBindは、ライセンス(デジタル著作権)をコンピューターやその他の特定のデバイスへバインドする新機能で、Wibu-Systemが開発・特許出願中です。バインディングは、アクティベーションを意味します。
Secure Software Licensing: Build vs. Buy. You have successfully completed development of your new software package and now it’s time to…
This month we’re excited to announce three new products: the world’s smallest dongle, a CmStick with a battery, and a CmCard for…
Once your application is finished and protected with CodeMeter, administrators, accountants, product managers, and sales reps will all…
All research and development, as well as final testing of all our products, is done at Wibu-Systems headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany.…
Every sales professional knows it’s much easier to sell to an existing customer than to find a new one. Some clever businesses even go…
これまでソフトウェアベンダーは、新規ユーザー獲得に向けた評価版の作成に、本来の製品開発とは別の労力を掛ける必要がありました。しかし、CodeMeter “Trial License“ があれば、そのような負担は軽減できます。
As a global player, Wibu-Systems provides excellent local support on almost all continents. Customers can get local support and buy…
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