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チェックサムは、任意の長さのデータ文字列を1つの数値に変換する関数の最終結果です。データが変更された場合、チェックサムも変更されます。代表的なものにCRCやModulo演算があり、データ入力や送信時のミスを防止・低減するために頻繁に使用されます。 …
Successful brands like Adobe, Microsoft, and Sony are convinced: Instead of selling licenses, their users can rent their software and…
You are about to release a new version of your software which contains innovative ideas and state-of-the-art technology. However your…
In a world where product piracy is becoming ever more prevalent, full protection against piracy, reverse engineering and manipulation…
Secure Software Licensing: Build vs. Buy. You have successfully completed development of your new software package and now it’s time to…
Every sales professional knows it’s much easier to sell to an existing customer than to find a new one. Some clever businesses even go…
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