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今回のハッカーコンテストには、世界各国から数百人もの熱心な参加者が集まりました。今回のミッションは、Blurry Box®保護をクラックさせ、ゲームアプリケーションをライセンスなしで動作させる、というものです。Blurry…
“A wrapper that encrypts software can be circumvented by using a memory dump. You just wait until all parts of the application are…
For almost a decade, CodeMeter License Central has been Wibu-Systems’ solution for cloud-based licensing. Licenses can be created in…
CodeMeter Embedded is entering its new generation, bringing with it several important and exciting innovations and giving the library a…
When software on a regular consumer computer stops working, it is a nuisance. If it stops working in a commercial environment, it can…
Protecting software should be safe and simple – but isn’t that a contradiction in terms? Wibu-Systems shows that it does not have to be…
OPC Unified Architecture (UA) is increasingly establishing itself as the accepted standard in the automation industry. The open IEC…
Intellectual property comes in all shapes and sizes. Software is just one of them. If you want to protect your software, Protection…
Successful brands like Adobe, Microsoft, and Sony are convinced: Instead of selling licenses, their users can rent their software and…
A license portal can increase customer satisfaction and reduce operating costs by offering self-service functions. Your users are given…
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