행동 강령


Our Commitment

“Perfection in Protection, Licensing, and Security”.

Wibu-Systems has been uncompromising and unrelenting in pursuing our mission on behalf of our clients, users, and all our stakeholders in Germany and around the world. We extend that same commitment to the people we are working with: the professionals at Wibu-Systems and our business partners.

“Perfection in Protection, Licensing, and Security” is more than a promise to our market. It is an expression of our core beliefs and principles and of the value we create for our business and society at large.

We aspire to perfection with exceptional products and exciting business opportunities with our partners; we see that commitment to perfection reflected in the excellence, innovation, and added value our people contribute to our business and the world around us. 

Our solutions protect the information and assets of our users; we are committed to that same level of protection through the confidentiality, integrity, and respect we maintain for the people, the business, and the knowledge we are entrusted with.

We have crafted our licensing system upon principles of openness tempered by trustworthiness and responsible use; we abide by the same belief in community, trust, and responsibility for our employees, our partners, and the world around us.

Our work underpins the security of data, people, and businesses everywhere; we will not compromise on compliance, safety, and sustainability in our business practices, for our employees and the users of our products, and for a fairer, safer, and more secure future.

We, the Directors and executive management of Wibu-Systems, are fully committed to these values and their expression in this Code of Conduct, in our business and employment practice, and the everyday work of all our employees.

Our Values in Practice


We believe in standards of excellence in our products and sophisticated technologies; we promote and expect that same commitment to excellence in the work and qualifications of our people and the care with which we develop our business relationships.


We keep innovating new technological capabilities, business models, and commercial opportunities for our clients and users; we invest time and resources into training, building new facilities, and developing novel forms of collaborations to create new areas of expertise in our world.


We empower the users of our products to produce added value with confidence and reliability. For us, value is created by helping people develop their talents and transform them into new winning ideas, for our clients, for our own business, for our people, and for the communities we are engaged in.


We have built our business on protecting confidentiality, and we hold ourselves to the same standards. We will not disclose any confidential information to any third party unless required by law and will employ the strongest possible means to protect our data and the data of our clients.


We build products that secure the integrity of information and technologies everywhere. We stand for the same integrity in our business and will not accept any breach of this Code of Conduct, our standards of practice, legal requirements, or the mission we have committed ourselves to.


We show our respect for our users and our partners in the care we invest in them, and we expect and promote the same respect within our own organization. We accept no discrimination, disrespect or unfair practices, and we reward good practice and positive behavior.


We believe that exceptional outcomes are only possible by sharing expertise, skills, and personal commitment. Just as our products help protect our communities, we work to create new communities in our daily practice, in industry associations, in research institutions, and in our local environments.


We build our products and our business on trust — trust in one another and trust in reliable technology. We advance that same level of trust to our professional employees and our business partners, entrusting them with the resources and freedom to excel, framed by strong and trustworthy compliance safeguards.


We acknowledge our responsibility for the security of our clients and users, for the wellbeing and prospects of our employees, for the interests of our business and our stakeholders, and for the safer, greener, and more connected world we are striving for.


We accept no compromise in our commitment to our standards, legal requirements, and the principles of ethical business practice. As our products help fight illegal and illegitimate business practices, we stand up and take action whenever we become aware of any illicit behavior in any aspect of our business.


We protect the lives and livelihoods of people and businesses with our technology, and we are committed to supporting and promoting the health, safety, and wellbeing of everyone working with and for us or using our products.


We look to the future not only in the design or the innovative technologies of our products, but also in holistic sustainability, in products that are built to last, support for legacy solutions, greener choices in our packaging, and a commitment to an environmentally friendly business.

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