활용 사례

    • Levelling Up Software Distribution

      Free demo licenses should be distributed with the full set of premium features preinstalled. By leveraging CodeMeter License Central, clients can connect the LEM system to their CRM platform and increase the number of premium users tenfold within a single calendar year.

      download (994.25 KB)
      download (935.75 KB)
    • Live and Secure Technology Data Marketplace

      Protected from theft and illicit use, production data can be traded, licensed, and securely transmitted through the Industrial Internet to smart factories: manufacturing as a service offers commercial freedom and constant data access to sellers, makers, and buyers.

      download (366.9 KB)
      download (369.03 KB)
    • Secure License Management for Microcontrollers

      CodeMeter µEmbedded provides intelligent device manufacturers with state-of-the-art security features, IP protection, and license lifecycle management for IoT-ready products, and gives end users the confidence that firmware updates and upgrades are genuine.

    • Secure Manufacturing of Outsourced Real-Time Controllers

      CodeMeter Embedded encrypts software to provide know-how protection for the controller’s vendor at the contractor’s production facilities. Secure boot processes and secure storage in industry-grade hardware secure elements also ensure integrity protection.

    • Securing the Backbone of Connected Industry

      Balluff’s OPC UA enabled UHF RFID reader, supercharged with Wibu-Systems CmASIC hardware secure element, secures M2M communications at both ends offering secure key and certificate storage and making the identity of the tag fully reliable.

      download (379.45 KB)
      download (339.62 KB)
    • Stronger Security for Modern M2M Communications

      Powered by CodeMeter Embedded, Wibu-Systems OPC UA Security Extension for Unified Automation’s ANSI C based OPC UA SDK raises the security bar for manufacturers adopting the OPC UA standard and monetizes their software with versatile licensing.

      download (113.19 KB)
      download (147 KB)
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