New Product Piracy Report – Same Old Story Daniela Previtali VDMA Product Piracy Study 2018 indicates that, while the overall scale of damage remains unchanged, damages have worsened in the last two years. 詳しく見る 2018-05-09
Security Requirements for Medical Devices Daniela Previtali When choosing the right system software for medical devices, secure communications, multi-CdPU design, modularity and scalability are key. 詳しく見る 2018-04-23
Essentials in Software Monetization Terry Gaul Modern software monetization ensures customers use the services they pay for while taking advantage of cloud adoption and real-time analytics tools. 詳しく見る 2018-02-14
Features-on-Demand Licensing Stefan Bamberg Fritz Stephan structured a scalable licensing model where they can remotely activate features on-demand and create new post-sales revenues. 詳しく見る 2017-03-10
Tis the Season to be Wary Terry Gaul With just a few shopping days left before Christmas, the retail frenzy is at its height. 詳しく見る 2016-12-19